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Fund for Low-Income Law Students (FEBI)

I understand that many people cannot pay my academic service fees, and I am committed to helping people without those resources to achieve their dreams. That is why 40% of the income from my academic and professional mentoring services is destined for the FEBI (Fund for Low-Income Students, or Fondo para Estudiantes de Bajos Ingresos in Spanish).

The FEBI is destined for low-income Peruvian law students and recent graduates interested in studying abroad and returning to Peru for an academic career. It provides mentoring and counseling and can cover different expenditures related to applying to study overseas: application fees, visa procedures, foreign language tests, etc.

Requirements to apply

Last year student or recent graduate (2 years from graduation) from a Peruvian law school accredited by SUNEDU.

Upper tenth of their class at the moment of applying or graduating.

Strong and proven commitment to teaching and an academic career in Peru.

Family income of no more than 1.5 Peruvian Tax Units (UIT).

If you want to donate or collaborate with the FEBI

Applications for the 2024 cohort will open in February 2024.